Throughout the past six weeks, this course provided me valuable insight into personal learning networks and how they serve to help people form connections and build a stronger knowledge base. For this blog post, I would like to focus on everything I’ve learned and how that connects to my professional personal learning network and career. Prior to taking this course, I always had an idea that online engagement wasn’t important or an “optional” action. Now completing EDCI 338, my perspective has changed drastically.

I would consider myself quite inactive regarding growing a professional PLN and sharing of ideas. While going through the readings, videos, and interviews, I felt a bit of guilt in not taking full advantage of what a PLN had to offer. During each week, I started to view the importance of digital identity and the benefits of having an effective learning network. Even now, I ponder certain aspects that I will change moving forward. After this class, I will have completed my degree and beginning to work. I will take time in ensuring that my digital identity surrounding work will be engaging and effective. This will be done through many types of platforms that allow for insightful discussion.

Another aspect that I’ve learned is the potential dangers of digital identity on a professional career. All throughout class, the idea of digital identity harming a person’s career is a concerning thought. It is important to understand that everything I post online will reflect who I am as a person. This is one major takeaway from this class and just being able to constantly remind myself that the online environment is open for everyone to see. I would also like to mention that the interviews provided have been a highlight of the course. Interviews with Brad Baker and Shelley Moore, and others have provided me a lot of knowledge on the theories discussed in class, and how they are applied in real world scenarios.

Please see attached for the final assignment (Group 8)

Just want to end this post by saying thank you to everyone! It’s been a pleasure working alongside all of you the past two months. Wishing everyone the best in their future endeavours.