Since the inception of the internet, individuals have constantly been involved in large personal learning networks (PLN) and expressing themselves in a way that creates a unique digital identity. A PLN is a learning method of communicating, sharing and questioning of ideas/thoughts on a global scale. Through the utilization of these networks, one begins to create a digital identity.  

What does it mean to network using social media?

By definition, networking is the use of the internet to build professional/social relationships that share knowledge, similar experiences, backgrounds, and connections. In my experience, I have used social media platform such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram to connect with co-workers and people within the Health Informatics community. Networking was a crucial part in my search for co-op opportunities for the past three years. Networking has provided me the connections to better myself in the professional space and is the main factor as to why I have secured full-time work.

How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

As of right now, I believe the main reason that motivates individuals to participate is because of COVID-19. Through this pandemic, we have lost the ability for connection, whether it be professional or personal. Society has found its way through social media platforms and similar software in an attempt to restore human connection. Recently, the online space has been tailored to improve career development, and restore the ability to socialize for many people.

What are the risks & rewards of public communications?

Firstly, the rewards of public communications are evident. As mentioned above, professionally, the ability for society to continue career development. This could also include cost efficiencies, easy connectivity, and remote work. Online communications also serves a place for knowledge to be shared, then subsequently discussed. As for socially, communication with family members and friends. Similar rewards as to the ability to share and distribute information very rapidly.

Of course, public communication online does present risks. The biggest risk I believe would be privacy. An individuals information and digital identity isn’t very secured on the web. If individuals choose to put information online, they should be fully aware that it could be accessed by anyone.

What is a digital identity?

Eric Stoller simply explained that digital identity consists of an individuals presence online with every post, share, how one engages, and treats others on social platforms. Similarly, I believe that as individuals access and utilize social platforms, they build a sense of identity for themselves with every post, comment, thought, and idea that they present online.

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

Personal and professional identities online differ quite substantially. Firstly, it’s important to note that these don’t intertwine too much. For example, my posts that I include on Instagram such as my family, friends, events would not be included on professional social media platforms. The professional approach is serves solely for business related discussions. Both can have a huge affect on our digital identity. It’s important for people to understand that these approaches can strengthen our professional/personal connections, however it has the ability to be very damaging. Unfortunately, individuals have had their professional careers ruined because of what they decided to post socially. One thing to keep in mind, both approached are easily accessible by anyone.

How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits?

In the online space, it’s important to keep in mind that everything posted is permanent. The inappropriate digital identity of someone years ago could drastically affect their future employment opportunities. It’s very interesting to view our identity as a digital footprint we are leaving behind. With every interaction online, that illustrates us at a time in our life. With the being said, the idea that our identity is being captured every-time we use social media platforms is a wonderful idea, but also very concerning.